Thursday, September 15, 2011

Resto Cooldowns

My mid-fight personal cooldowns being active. Trinket uses, weapon enchant, totem cooldowns, etc. The screenshot looks... hectic... but usually no more than 1-2 is showing at a time. You can change the aesthetics and keep the functionality the same anyway.

Unleash Life is the green in the center. It spins and counts down time left on the buff.
Tidal Waves is the little blue things in the center. It pulses while the buff is active.
Mana Tide Totem is the innermost blue one. It has the bubble effect and counts down time left on the totem.
Spirit Link Totem is the green one. It pulses and counts down time left on the totem.
Riptide is the blue on the outer ring. It pulses quickly to say, "Hey idiot, cast me!"
Power Torrent is the text in the upper left, and trinket procs are in the upper right. They remain static for the duration of the buff.
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Set=Resto@Aura[1]=Version:4.22; b:0.2627; anim1:2; icon:Spell_Shaman_SpiritLink; buffname:Spirit Link Totem; r:0.5882; bufftype:19; texture:3; speed:1.52; size:1.96; texmode:1; anim2:4; timer.enabled:true; timer.Relative:TOP@Aura[2]=Version:4.22; g:0.5137; icon:Spell_Frost_SummonWaterElemental; buffname:Mana Tide Totem; r:0.3922; bufftype:19; texture:6; size:1.72; texmode:1; anim2:5; timer.enabled:true; timer.Relative:TOP; timer.ShowActivation:true@Aura[3]=Version:4.22; g:0.9412; icon:Spell_Shaman_TidalWaves; buffname:Tidal Waves; r:0.498; texture:33; speed:1.19; texmode:1; anim2:4@Aura[4]=Version:4.22; b:0.2431; anim1:12; icon:spell_shaman_unleashweapon_life; buffname:Unleash Life; r:0.5333; texture:129; alpha:0.32; speed:0.69; texmode:1; ismounted:0; timer.enabled:true; timer.y:-28; timer.x:-8; timer.UseOwnColor:true@Aura[5]=Version:4.22; icon:spell_shaman_spiritwalkersgrace; buffname:Spiritwalker's Grace; texture:4; wowtex:true; size:0.58; y:160; texmode:1; timer.enabled:true; timer.Relative:CENTER; timer.x:-7@Aura[6]=Version:4.22; g:0.6314; icon:spell_nature_riptide; buffname:Riptide; r:0.4235; bufftype:15; texture:16; speed:1.4; combat:true; size:2.3; torsion:0.99; texmode:1; anim2:4@Aura[7]=Version:4.22; g:0.4471; icon:spell_fire_rune; buffname:Mark of the Firelord; r:0.5725; x:152; texture:65; symetrie:3; size:2.3; y:95; texmode:1@Aura[8]=Version:4.22; b:0.4824; g:0.9569; icon:Ability_Paladin_SacredCleansing; buffname:Power Torrent; x:-152; texture:65; symetrie:2; size:2.3; y:95; texmode:1@Aura[9]=Version:4.22; g:0.4353; icon:INV_Potion_41; buffname:Fiery Quintessence; r:0.5373; x:152; texture:65; symetrie:3; size:2.3; y:95; texmode:1@
Individual Strings
Spirit Link Totem (active)
Version:4.22; b:0.2627; anim1:2; icon:Spell_Shaman_SpiritLink; buffname:Spirit Link Totem; r:0.5882; bufftype:19; texture:3; speed:1.52; size:1.96; texmode:1; anim2:4; timer.enabled:true; timer.Relative:TOP
Mana Tide Totem
Version:4.22; g:0.5137; icon:Spell_Frost_SummonWaterElemental; buffname:Mana Tide Totem; r:0.3922; bufftype:19; texture:6; size:1.72; texmode:1; anim2:5; timer.enabled:true; timer.Relative:TOP; timer.ShowActivation:true
Spiritwalker's Grace
Version:4.22; icon:spell_shaman_spiritwalkersgrace; buffname:Spiritwalker's Grace; texture:4; wowtex:true; size:0.58; y:160; texmode:1; timer.enabled:true; timer.Relative:CENTER; timer.x:-7
Tidal Waves
Version:4.22; g:0.9412; icon:Spell_Shaman_TidalWaves; buffname:Tidal Waves; r:0.498; texture:33; speed:1.19; texmode:1; anim2:4
Version:4.22; g:0.6314; icon:spell_nature_riptide; buffname:Riptide; r:0.4235; bufftype:15; texture:16; speed:1.4; combat:true; size:2.3; torsion:0.99; texmode:1; anim2:4
Power Torrent
Version:4.22; b:0.4824; g:0.9569; icon:Ability_Paladin_SacredCleansing; buffname:Power Torrent; x:-152; texture:65; symetrie:2; size:2.3; y:95; texmode:1
Fiery Quintessence (trinket)
For this one, you can change the name to track whatever you want. This is for the Fiery Quintessence trinket use effect, which I'm tracking as a buff.
Version:4.22; g:0.4353; icon:INV_Potion_41; buffname:Fiery Quintessence; r:0.5373; x:152; texture:65; symetrie:3; size:2.3; y:95; texmode:1
Mark of the Firelord (trinket)
Version:4.22; g:0.4471; icon:spell_fire_rune; buffname:Mark of the Firelord; r:0.5725; x:152; texture:65; symetrie:3; size:2.3; y:95; texmode:1

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